
Being at university can cause stress and anxiety—but you are not alone. There are many resources on and off campus that can help improve your physical and mental health.

General Information

Early Alert

Our faculty participate in the Early Alert program, which helps us support students who are struggling in life and/or school. More information.

Campus Lightbox

Campus Lightbox centralizes information about mental health and wellbeing resources on campus, and how students can best access them. More information.

Health and Wellness

The Faculty of Arts has complied a list of health and wellness support options available to students. More information.

UBC’s Student Health and Dental Plan (Studentcare)

Studentcare covers 100% of the cost of a registered psychologist or clinical counselor up to $300 per year. Eligible prescription drugs are covered up to 80%. All students who pay AMS fees are automatically covered. More information.

UBC life and academic tips, resources, and advice

Name, Website, and
Contact Information
Where and When Services
AMS Advocacy and Ombuds Offices


Phone: (604) 822-9855


The Nest

Rm 3118-6133 University Blvd. Vancouver, BC

  • Advocates for students facing formal conflicts with the university including academic disputes, non-academic disputes, housing appeals, library fines and parking disputes.

Graduate Student Society (GSS) Advocacy


Phone: (604) 822-3203



Mon-Fri 9-5

Sat-Sun Closed

  • Graduate students who provide confidential assistance to grad students who are experiencing academic or other difficulties.

Office of the Ombudsperson for Students


Phone: (604) 822-6149

Email: ombuds.office@ubc.ca

C.K. Choi Building

181-1855 West Mall

Vancouver, BC V6T1Z2

  • An independent, impartial and confidential resource for students navigating a situation where you haven’t been treated fairly by the university.

Emergency Resources

If you feel you or someone else might be in danger of hurting themselves or someone else, call 9-1-1 or go to your nearest Emergency Room right away.

Resource Where and When Services Cost
UBC Hospital Urgent Care

Phone: (604) 822-7662

OR 9-1-1
OR (604) 822-2222 (campus security)

UBC Hospital
Koerner Pavilion
2211 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver, BC
V6T 2B5

Every day 8am-10pm

• Emergency services for acute distress (including risk of suicide)
• Sexual assault services
Vancouver General Hospital Emergency

Phone: (604) 875-4111 Ext. 55657

OR any hospital
emergency room

Phone: 9-1-1

Vancouver General Hospital Segal Family Health Centre,
Level 1
803 West 12th Avenue
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9

24/7, 365 days/year

• Emergency services for acute distress (including risk of suicide) Free
Vancouver Access & Assessment Centre

Phone: (604) 675-3700

(24-hour crisis line, 365 days/year)

Vancouver General Hospital
Segal Family Health Centre, Level 1
803 West 12th Avenue
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9

24/7, 365 days/year

• Alternative to the Emergency Department for non-life-threatening mental health and/or substance use challenges
• Services include mobile response for crisis assessment and resolution, referrals to mental health teams, health care professionals or other agencies
• Includes assistance for friends and family members of suffering individuals
• Staff includes registered nurses, registered psychiatric nurses, and social workers, psychiatrists and reception staff who are there to help 24/7
Free – Should be covered by BC MSP
SAFER Counselling

Phone: (604) 675-3700


Vancouver General Hospital Segal Family Health Centre,
Level 1
803 West 12th Avenue
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9

Access & Assessment Centre (which handles referrals) open 24/7

• Referrals are made through the Access & Assessment Centre, details above
• Free, time-limited counselling
• Can help you if you are feeling suicidal, are concerned about someone who is suicidal, or are experiencing suicide bereavement
• Offer educational workshops in Suicide Intervention and Suicide Bereavement for members of the Greater Vancouver community
Free – Should be covered by BC MSP
BC Crisis Centre


Phone: (604) 872-3311

Crisis Line: 1-800-784-2433

Mental Health Support Line: 310-6789 (no area code)

Crisis Chat

Online or by phone • 24/7 Distress Phone Services are free and available to 2 million people on the Lower Mainland, Sea-to-Sky corridor, Sunshine Coast and in Powell River
• Crisis Chat for youth and adults in distress where they can access free, confidential, non-judgmental support (noon – 1am, 7 days a week) from dedicated volunteers, supported by a small team of professional staff
• Available in over 140 languages

Toll Free Line: 1-800-563-0808

TTY for hard-of-hearing:

Call (604) 875-0885

Text (604) 836-6381

By phone
Available 24/7
• Information and referral services for victims of crime
• Immediate crisis support for victims of family/domestic and sexual violence, including victims of human trafficking
• Can refer to community, social, health, justice, and government resources, including victim services, transition houses, and counselling
• Can provide information on the justice system, relevant federal and provincial legislation, crime prevention, safety planning, protection order registries, and more
Distress Line

Toll Free Line: 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)

By phone
Available 24/7
If you are in distress and may hurt yourself, or are worried about someone else’s safety, call this number. Free
KUU-US Crisis Line Society


Adult/Elder: (250) 723-4050
Child/Youth: (250) 723-2040

Online or by phone
Available 24/7
Indigenous students throughout BC may call this number to receive 24/7 support when in distress. Free

Wellbeing Resources

Name, Website, and
Contact Information
Where and When Services Cost
UBC Counselling Services


Phone: (604) 822-3811

Brock Hall
1874 East Mall Room 1040

First Nations Longhouse
1985 West Mall

Lower Mall Research Station
2259 Lower Mall
Room 358

Oak Street Campus
Children’s and Women’s Health Centre of BC
4500 Oak Street

Check website for walk-in hours

  • Drop-in and emergency counselling.

  • Specific services provided for Indigenous students.

  • Sexual assault counselling

  • Can help students with ongoing concerns that are affecting academics, sleep, or motivation, including sadness, stress, anxiety, relationship troubles, loss/grief, past experience of physical, sexual or emotional violence, or other mental health challenges.

  • Wellness Advisors are trained Masters-level counsellors who meet students for a one-time 15-20 minute assessment. They’ll listen to your needs and connect you with resources to best help you reach your goals. This could include self-directed resources, workshops and coaching, group therapy, or individual therapy.

Free for students
Student Health Services


Phone: (604) 822-7011

Email: student.health@ubc.ca

UBC Hospital
2211 Wesbrook Mall
Koerner Pavilion
Room M334

Most weekdays 8am-4pm

  • Offers a wide range of health assessments and treatments provided by doctors, nurses, and specialists.

  • Referrals to specialists (e.g., psychiatrists).

  • Services offered include sexual health and birth control, mental/health illness, sports medicine, injuries and wound care, immunization and allergy care.

  • Students can book appointments online.

UBC Wellness Centre
(Student Services)


Phone: (604) 822-8450

Email: wellness.centre@ubc.ca

Wellness Centre
6138 Student Union Boulevard
Room 1301

Most weekdays 10am-5pm

Check the calendar on the website for daily peer hours and events.

  • Speak trained student volunteers who can answer your questions, talk with you, and recommend resources for everyday concerns related to health, relationships, and workload.

  • Talk to a nurse about any health concern during Nurse on Campus hours.

  • Wellness Peers can help with more than mental health. They know a lot about sexual health, academic stress, and student life.

Mood Disorders


Phone: (604) 822-7512

Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health

2215 Westbrook Mall

  • A psychiatric program designed to diagnose and treat mood related disorders such as Bipolar Disorder, Depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Health and Wellness
Sexual Violence Prevention and Response


Phone: (604) 822-1588


Orchard Commons
6363 Agronomy Road
Room 4071

Mon to Fri 8:30am-4:30pm

  • A safe place for students who have experienced sexual assault, regardless of when or where it took place, to get the support they need.

  • All gender identities, expressions and sexualities are welcome.

  • If you’ve been assaulted within the last 7 days, there is a special team of nurses at the hospital who can help you. You may need medical attention even if you don’t have visible signs of injury.

  • If you have been drugged, choked, strangled or have difficulty breathing, swallowing or speaking, go to the nearest hospital immediately.

  • Can help you find somewhere safe to stay, go with you to the hospital/police/court, arrange academic and workplace concessions, and explain your reporting options.

AMS Peer Support


Phone: (604) 822-9246

Email: peersupport@ams.ubc.ca

AMS Nest
6133 University Boulevard

Monday-Thursday 9am-7:30pm
Friday 9am-4:30pm

  • AMS Peer Support services have launched and are now available for appointments. Our trained volunteer team provides free, confidential, one-on-one virtual peer support for UBC students and staff facing a wide variety of challenges.

  • Book an appointment online.

AMS Sexual Assault Support Centre (SASC)


Phone: (604) 827-5180

Email: sasc@ams.ubc.ca

AMS Nest
6133 University Boulevard
Room 3127

Every day 8am-10pm

  • Crisis and emotional support for sexual assault survivors and their friends and family members.

  • Referrals to other services as needed.

  • Services include Crisis and short-term emotional support, support groups, advocacy, education and outreach, community lending library, and a resource area.

The Kaleidoscope


Email: info@the-kaleidoscope.com

Buchanan Building

General Public: BUCH D214
Wednesdays 6-7pm

PUG: WOOD B75 Mondays 5-6pm

1st Monday of each month

Check the website as group times and locations change frequently!

  • Support and programming initiatives designed to remove barriers for students with disabilities and facilitates disability related accommodations for members of the UBC Vancouver community.

  • Includes academic and exam accommodations.

AMS Food Bank


Phone: 604 822-2371

Email: foodbank@ams.ubc.ca

Life Building

6138 Student Union Blvd
Room 0032

Monday: 10AM-4PM
Thursday: 10AM-6PM

  • Offer various non-perishable foods, personal hygiene supplies, budgeting tips and information on additional resources in and around Vancouver.

  • Dependent on donations from the community.

  • Current UBC students can use the Food Bank in emergency situations up to 6 times per term. Individuals receive one bag of groceries each visit and families, two.

  • Provide referrals to other Lower Mainland Food banks.

  • Trust-based system – will not turn any UBC student away.

UBC Recreation


Phone: (604) 822-6000

(for intramurals inquiries)

Email: fitness.programs@ubc.ca
(for fitness program
and personal training

Various locations and hours depending on the activity or service.
  • Website for all things recreation at UBC including:

    • BirdCoop Fitness Centre

    • Personal training

    • Aquatics

    • Drop-in dance, martial arts, pilates, yoga, fitness classes Hockey and ice skating

    • Rowing

    • Sports clubs

    • Intramural leagues

Mindfulness & Meditation


Online/various locations and hours
  • Website that lists all mindfulness meditation opportunities in the UBC community, including drop-in meditation groups and spaces and a self-led online challenge.

Mood Disorders


Phone: (604) 822-7512

Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health
  • A psychiatric program designed to diagnose and treat mood related disorders such as Bipolar Disorder, Depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder.


Name, Website, and
Contact Information
Where and When Services Cost



Location and hours depend on the
psychologist or counsellor

  • Directory of registered clinical psychologists and counsellors who work across BC.

  • Brief profiles for each psychologist and counsellor.

Free to use the website

Psychologist/ counsellor rates vary

BC Psychological Association


Phone: (604) 730-0522

Contact Form


Location and hours depend on the psychologist

Free to use the website

Psychologist rates vary (current average rate is about
$200/hour, but can have sliding scales)

Vancouver Recovery Club


Phone: (604) 708-9955

Email: info@vancouverrecoveryclub.com

Main & Broadway
2775 Sophia Street
Vancouver, BC V5T 3L1

24-hour drop-in and referral centre

  • A non-profit organization providing support services to individuals seeking recovery from alcohol and drug addiction.

  • Services also promote compassionate, continuous and discreet care for individuals to stay connected with the recovery process.

  • Group support meetings covering a very broad range of 12-Step programs.

  • One-on-one counselling available Mondays 4-8 pm.

Battered Women’s Support Services


Crisis Line: (604) 687-1867

Email: information@bwss.org

Commercial Drive

1424 Commercial Drive
Vancouver, BC V5L 5G2

Crisis & intake hours:
Weekdays 10am-5pm +
Wednesday 10-8pm

Contact for counselling

  • Provide education, advocacy, and support services and work toward the elimination of violence from a feminist perspective that promotes equality for all women.

  • Services include a crisis and intake telephone line, counselling, support groups, and several programs tailored to specific groups (e.g., Indigenous Women’s Program; AWARE Program to help women find employment; LGBTQ2S and non-binary survivors of violence group; etc. Full list

Family Services of Greater Vancouver


Phone: (604) 731 4951

Various locations

Commercial Drive
201-1638 East Broadway
Vancouver, BC V5T 3E2

The Caring Place
250-7000 Minoru Blvd
Richmond, BC V6Y 3Z5

Burnaby/New West
321 Sixth Street
New Westminster, BC
V3L 3A7

15355 102A Avenue
Surrey, BC V3R 7K1

  • Trained counsellors with graduate degrees in counselling psychology and clinical social work.

  • Counselling for difficulties including anxiety, depression, life transitions, grief, and more – see full list.

  • Individual, parent, and family programs - see full list.

Sliding scale
depending on
income and
Burnaby Family Life


Phone: (604) 659-2205

Email: bfl_info@burnabyfamilylife.org

102-2101 Holdom Ave
Burnaby, BC V5B 0A4

See website for other
locations in Burnaby and
New Westminster

  • Education programs, support groups, and counselling services for women, children, and families, particularly those who have experienced domestic violence and/or physical, sexual, or emotional abuse.

  • Programs include Violence Against Women, Children Who Witness Abuse, Keeping Cool for Parents, Anger Management for Men, Immigrant Women’s Support Group, Single Mother’s Support Group, and Money Skills.

counselling is by

Name, Website, and Contact Information Services Cost
Empower Me

Website Enter password “Studentcare”

Phone: 1-844-741-6389

Available 24/7

  • A mental health and wellness service that seeks to contribute to a resilient student community by supporting existing on-campus and Studentcare mental health resources.

  • Allows students to connect with qualified counsellors, consultants, and life coaches for issues of any kind including relationships, family care, depression, anxiety, addictions, stress, work conflicts, and more.

  • Can offer life coaching, financial planning, and nutritional counselling.

  • Video counselling and e-counselling are also available.

  • All sessions are kept completely confidential.

  • Multilingual, culturally-sensitive, gender- and faith-inclusive service.

Free phone line

Other services free for UBC students who are covered by

UBC Student Services


  • Find tips, resources, and in-person support on various health topics including: depression, stress and anxiety, and sex and sexual health.

  • Self-guided tutorials and links to further resources.

  • Crisis Support.



  • Make it easy to connect with information and resources for those struggling with depression, anxiety or other mental health or substance abuse conditions.

  • Find help and resources for yourself or someone you know.

  • Take a short screening quiz to get tailored advice and resources. The quiz will not give you a diagnosis.

  • Bounce Back Online self-help programs and full programs with telephone coaching.

  • Comprehensive resource list

Free to use the website

Individual services may vary



  • Website with information to support young people aged 12-24 and their families with easy access to care across and variety of issues including anxiety and depression, reaching a family doctor, stress, etc.

  • You can also visit them in-person at 1260 Granville Street, where they are open weekdays 9am-6pm and offer counselling, peer support, primary care, social services, and educational resources to youth ages 12-24.

Anxiety Canada


  • Website offering information and self-help resources for individuals of all ages who struggle, or who know someone that struggles, with anxiety and anxiety disorders.

Kelty’s Key: Online Therapy


Phone: (604) 675-3700

  • Confidential online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy service.

  • Custom online courses developed by Clinical experts in CBT including courses on depression, anxiety, family support, insomnia, and panic. Available to everyone free, no sign up necessary.

  • As an eligible client, you will have regular contact with a VCH psychotherapist via encrypted email. Your psychotherapist will provide guidance and support as you work through our program.

  • Call the Access and Assessment Centre at VGH for information on signing up (604-675-3700).

BC Crisis Centre


Phone: (604) 872-3311

Crisis Line: 1-800-784-2433

Crisis Chat

  • 24/7 Distress Phone Services are free and available to 2 million people on the Lower Mainland, Sea-to-Sky corridor, Sunshine Coast and in Powell River.

  • Crisis Chat for youth and adults in distress where they can access free, confidential, non-judgmental support (noon – 1am, 7 days a week) from dedicated volunteers, supported by a small team of professional staff.

KUU-US Crisis Line Society


Adult/Elder Crisis Line: (250) 723-4050

Child/Youth Crisis Line: (250) 723-2040

Toll Free Line: 1-800-588-8717

Email: kuu-usexecutivedirector@shaw.ca

  • A 24 hour provincial aboriginal crisis line for Adults/Elders and Children/Youth.

  • Risk Assessments

  • Safety Monitoring

  • 24 hour Crisis Mobile Outreach (Funded by BC Gaming Policy & Enforcement Branch)

  • H.O.P.E and HOMEFULNESS* Programs

  • Weekend Indoor and Mobile Outreach

  • Transitional Housing

  • Drop In Services

  • Fresh Start Program

  • New Beginnings Program

  • Community Voicemail Program

BC Alcohol and Drug Information and Referral Service

Lower Mainland Phone: (604) 660-9382

Toll Free: 1-800-663-1441


  • 24/7 phone line providing information, options, and support for those struggling with drug and alcohol use whether it’s you or someone you care about.

  • Can refer to a full range of counselling and treatment services across BC and provide information on prevention resources, support groups, and addiction-related topics.

  • Multilingual

  • Confidential



iOS Download (iTunes Store)

Android Download (Google Play Store)

  • Anxiety management app

  • Includes basic information on anxiety, checklists to help you learn more about your own anxiety, cognitive-behavioural strategies for managing your anxiety, and relaxation exercises.


Equity and Inclusion Resources

Name, Website, and
Contact Information
Where and When Services
Gender Inclusive Washrooms and Changerooms



A UBC initiative that provides a map of gender-inclusive washrooms across campus.

UBC Equity and Inclusion Terminology



  • A glossary developed by the Equity and Inclusion Office of terms related to equity, inclusion and diversity that are used at UBC.



Phone: 1-800-566-1170

1170 Bute Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 1Z6

  • A non-profit organisation in Vancouver that provides a safer space for 2SLGBTQIA+ people and allies.

Sher Vancouver Podcast



  • A podcast for BIPOC 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals and allies.

AMS Women’s Centre


Email: ubcwomenscentre@gmail.com

The Nest

6133 University Blvd.
Room 2114
Vancouver, BC

  • This student run organization has been the voice for women's needs and issues at UBC.

  • See here for more women’s resources.

Equity and Inclusion Office


Phone: (604) 827-1773

Brock Hall

1874 East Mall
Room 2306
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2

Hours: M-F (8:30AM to 4:30PM)

  • Provides education across UBC about creating a socially sustainable community, mutual respect and inclusion

Trans Care BC


Email: transcareteam@phsa.ca

Phone: 1-866-999-1514


  • Information, support and resources for supporting trans people.

UBC Trans Coalition Healthcare Access Guide



  • A guide to support the steps involved in finding a BC healthcare provider, hormone and surgical readiness assessments, and the broader landscape for gender affirming healthcare in BC.

UBC Trans and Non-Binary Student Guide



  • A guide created by trans and non-binary students at UBC to support other trans and non-binary students in navigating UBC.

AMS Pride Collective


Email: prideubc@gmail.com

The Nest

6133 University Blvd.
Room 2103
Resource Groups Centre
Vancouver, BC

  • This is a resource group that offers educational and social services dealing with sexual and gender diversity to the UBC community, including but not limited to students, staff, and faculty.

  • Provide support and information to those who self-identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, transgender, non-binary, two-spirit, asexual, queer, questioning, intersex, other identities, those who do not identify and allies.

  • Assists people who are coming out and supplies a forum for dialogue about sexuality and gender identity.

Equity and Inclusion Office


Phone: (604) 827-1773

Brock Hall

1874 East Mall
Room 2306
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2

Hours: M-F (8:30AM to 4:30PM)

  • Provides education across UBC about creating a socially sustainable community, mutual respect and inclusion.

Healthier Masculinities Program


Email: sascmasculinities@ams.ubc.ca

AMS Nest

6133 University Boulevard
Room 3127

  • Educate and empower students to stand against sexualized and gender-based violence by promoting a culture of healthier masculinities.

Positive Space Campaign


Phone: (604) 827-1773

Brock Hall

Equity and Inclusion Office
1874 East Mall
Room 2306
Vancouver BC V6T1Z2

Mon-Fri 8:30-4:30

  • Fosters a welcoming and inclusive environment, respectful dialog on campus for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.

  • Workshops and education

Out on the Shelves


Email: outontheshelveslibrary@gmail.com

The Nest

6133 University Blvd.
Room 2112
Vancouver, BC

  • Non-profit, community library committed to anti-oppressive social justice work.

  • Not affiliated with UBC, despite its location.

Name, Website, and Contact Information When and Where Services
Accessibility on Campus Guide


  • N/A
A guide to getting around campus in an accessible way.
Centre for Workplace Accessibility


Phone: 604-822-8139

Email: workplace.accessibility@ubc.ca

  • 6th floor, Technology Enterprise Facility
    6190 Agronomy Road
    Room 604
    Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm
A hub with resources, tools and programs that help to remove barriers for faculty and staff with onoing medical conditions or disabilities.
Disabilities United Collective


Email: ubcduc@gmail.com

  • The Nest
    Resource Groups Center
    6133 University Blvd.
    Room 2107
    Vancouver, BC
An advocacy and support group for disabled students at UBC that aims to increase accessibility and provide a safe and empowering space.
UBC Services for Students with Disabilities


  • N/A
Provides a list of resources and information for students with disabilities.
UBC Disability Affinity Group


Email: disability.affinity@equity.ubc.ca

  • N/A
A community that allows students to share stories, resources and take positive action.
Student Diversity Initiative


  • Brock Hall
    Equity and Inclusion Office
    1874 East Mall
    Room 2306
    Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1
A UBC initiative to address the complexities of the diversity of our campus at all levels; students, staff and faculty.
Centre for Accessibility


Phone: (604) 822-5844

Email: info.accessibility@ubc.ca

Brock Hall
1874 East Mall
Room 2306
Most weekdays 8:30am-4:30pm

Check website for specific hours

  • Support and programming initiatives designed to remove barriers for students with disabilities and facilitates disability related accommodations for members of the UBC Vancouver community.

  • Includes academic and exam accommodations.

Name, Website, and Contact Information When and Where Services
Canadian Black Scientists Network


Email: olamide.falomo@utoronto.ca

  • N/A
The CBSN exists to elevate, make visible, celebrate and connect Black Canadians in cience, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics & Medicine.
Indigenous Student Collegium (šxʷta:təχʷəm)


  • First Nations Longhouse

    1985 West Mall
    Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2

A space in the First Nations Longhouse that allows students to engage with peers and upper-year students to build community and engage with resources.
UBC Black Student Union


Email: UBCBSU@gmail.com

  • N/A
Aims to highlight and celebrate the multifaceted nature of Black cultures through events for all UBC students.
AMS Colour Connected Against Racism



  • Colour Connected Against Racism is an AMS resource group that works to end racism, and all forms of oppression, discrimination and prejudice.

First Nations House of Learning


Phone: (604) 822-8940


First Nations Longhouse

1985 West Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2

  • The administrative unit for the First Nations Longhouse.

  • Public programming and a point of contact for Indigenous communities

First Nations Longhouse


Phone: (604) 822-8940

First Nations Longhouse

1985 West Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2

  • Central hub for programming and services for Indigenous students.

Name, Website, and Contact Information When and Where Services
AMS Fees


  • N/A
Check the resources in this link to find fees you can opt out of.
AMS Subsidies


  • N/A
Apply to subsidies for certain AMS Fees.
UBC Bursary Program


  • N/A
Supports eligible domestic students access financial resources to meet their needs.
Financial Emergencies Program


  • Student Services
    1874 East Mall
Resources to support students with unexpected financial needs.
UBC Work Learn Program


  • N/A
Supports student work experiences during the Winter and Summer sessions.
AMS Food Bank

Phone: (604) 822-2371

Email: foodbank@ams.ubc.ca

Life Building

6138 Student Union Blvd
Room 0032

Monday: 10-4PM
Thursday: 10-6PM

  • Offer various non-perishable foods, personal hygiene supplies, budgeting tips and information on additional resources in and around Vancouver.

  • Dependent on donations from the community.

  • Current UBC students can use the Food Bank in emergency situations up to 6 times per term. Individuals receive one bag of groceries each visit and families, two.

  • Provide referrals to other Lower Mainland Food banks.

  • Trust-based system – will not turn any UBC student away.

Name, Website, and Contact Information Services
Diversity on Campus


Phone: 604 822 6353

  • Links you to information about disability, sexual diversity, trans and gender diversity, women, race and ethnicity, as well as students who are parents.
Discrimination and Harassment


  • Information about discrimination and harassment on campus
Empower Me

Website (Enter password “Studentcare”)

Phone: 1-844-741-6389

Available 24/7

  • A mental health and wellness service that seeks to contribute to a resilient student community by supporting existing on-campus and Studentcare mental health resources.
  • Allows students to connect with qualified counsellors, consultants, and life coaches for issues of any kind including relationships, family care, depression, anxiety, addictions, stress, work conflicts, and more.
  • Can offer life coaching, financial planning, and nutritional counselling.
  • Video counselling and e-counselling are also available
  • Available 24/7
  • All sessions are kept completely confidential
  • Multilingual, culturally-sensitive, gender- and faith-inclusive service.
UBC Psychology Equity & Inclusion


  • UBC Psychology’s Equity Committee is responsible for implementing UBC’s policies related to equity and inclusion within our department.
QPR Suicide Prevention Training


  • Training to help students, staff and faculty recognize suicide warning signs, approach someone who may be at risk and persuade the person to seek help.
Respectful Environment Statement


  • UBC’s statement on their commitment to cultivating a respectful environment
Sexual Assault Awareness: Consent


  • Explains what consent is
Student Code of Conduct


  • UBC’s behavioural expectations of every student
Student Diversity Initiative


  • A UBC initiative to address the complexities of the diversity of our campus at all levels; students, staff and faculty
Student Guide to Discrimination and Harassment


  • A guide to human-rights based discrimination and harassment on campus and how to process a complaint