The Undergraduate Program in Neuroscience is interdisciplinary by nature: students take courses from a variety of disciplines. Peruse the degree related courses below.
Current Courses
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NSCI 140 (3) The Learning Brain (Sections: 101, 201)
Applications and implications of neuroscience for society and the individual, with a focus on neuroplasticity and neuroeducation.
Instructors: TBA
NSCI 200 (3) Fundamentals of Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Sections: 001)
Introduction to the field of neuroscience in general, and the fields of cellular and molecular neuroscience in particular, with emphasis on neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and neuropharmacology.
Prerequisite: Second-year standing in the Neuroscience specialization.
Instructors: Timothy O’Connor, Angie O’Neill
NSCI 201 (3) Fundamentals of Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience (Sections: 001)
Emphasis on the relationship between behaviour or cognition and nervous system function.
Prerequisite: NSCI 200.
Instructors: Kiran Soma
NSCI 300 (3) Laboratory Techniques for the Neurosciences (Sections: L01, L02, L03)
Laboratory techniques for investigating nervous system function, and for establishing relationships between nervous system function, behaviour, and cognition.
Prerequisite: Third-year status in the neuroscience specialization.
Instructors: Zaved Waise
NSCI 301 (3) Neuroscience, Ethics, and Society (Sections: 001)
Ethical issues associated with neuroscience, and the impact of neuroscience on society.
Prerequisite: All of NSCI 201, PSYC 277.
Instructors: Julie Robillard
NSCI 302 (3) Mechanisms of Nervous System Dysfunction and Recovery (Sections: 001)
Physiological mechanisms of neurological and psychiatric disorders and recovery from those disorders.
Prerequisite: NSCI 201.
Instructors: Steven Barnes
NSCI 303 (3) Foundations of Computational Neuroscience (Sections: 001)
Foundations of computational neuroscience: neural modelling, simple neural networks, models of Hebbian learning, models of learning, clustering and classification.
Prerequisite: NSCI 201 and one of DSCI 100, CPSC 103, CPSC 110.
Instructors: Nicholas Swindale
NSCI 311 (3) Advanced Neuroanatomy (Sections: 001)
Detailed coverage of neuroanatomy, with applications.
Prerequisite: NSCI 200.
Instructors: Claudia Krebs
NSCI 400 (6) Neuroscience Capstone (Sections: 001)
A capstone course to provide students with a rigorous neuroscience research experience under the supervision of one or more faculty members. Integrated support and feedback is provided by peers and faculty.
Prerequisite: Restricted to students in the neuroscience specialization.
See more information here.
NSCI 448 (3/6) Directed Studies in Neuroscience (Sections: 101, 201)
Directed investigation of a neuroscience research question requiring a report of the findings.
Prerequisite: At least a 70% average in the preceding 30 credits, permission of the supervisor, and permission of the director of the neuroscience specialization.
See more information here.
NSCI 486 (1-6) Advanced Topics in Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience (not offered in Winter 2024)
Selected topics in Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience. May be taken more than once for credit with permission of the program.
Prerequisite: Third-year standing in a Neuroscience specialization.
Instructors: TBA
NSCI 487 (1-6) Advanced Topics in Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Sections: 001)
Winter 2024 - Neuroimmunology: This course will examine the relationship between the nervous system and immune system, including key cellular and molecular processes regulating neuro-immune interactions and their role in normal brain function and neurological and psychiatric disorders.
Prerequisite: a) NSCI 200 and 201 b) MICB 302
Instructors: Clare Beasley
BIOL 112 (3) Biology of the Cell (Sections: 101, 102, 103, 104, 201, 202, 203)
The principles of cellular and molecular biology using bacterial and eukaryotic examples.
Prerequisite: One of CHEM 12, CHEM 100, CHEM 110, CHEM 111 and one of BIOL 11, BIOL 12, BIOL 111.
BIOL 121 (3) Genetics, Evolution and Ecology (Sections: 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 221, 222, 223, 224)
Principles of storage and transmission of genetic variation; origin and evolution of species and their ecological interactions.
Prerequisite: One of BIOL 11, BIOL 12, BIOL 111.
BIOL 140 (2) Laboratory Investigations in Life Science (No longer offered)
Guided experimental investigations of biological questions.
Prerequisite: One of BIOL 11, BIOL 12, BIOL 111.
BIOL 180 (2) Thinking Like a Life Scientist (Sections: 1D1, 1D2, 1F1, 1F2, 1G1, 1G2, 1I1, 1I2, 1J1, 1L1, 1L2, 2D1, 2D2, 2F1, 2F2, 2F3, 2G1, 2G2, 2I1, 2I2, 2I3, 2J1, 2J2, 2L1, 2L2, 2L3)
Science as a process, the skills of scientists, and the exploration of a current biological challenge with a practicing UBC scientist.
Prerequisite: One of BIOL 11, BIOL 12, BIOL 111.
BIOL 200 (3) Fundamentals of Cell Biology (Sections: 101, 102, 103, 104, 201)
Structure and function of plant and animal cells; membrane models, cytoplasmic organelles, biological information from gene to protein, the endomembrane system, secretion, intracellular digestion, endocytosis, transport processes, cytoskeleton and cell motility.
Prerequisite: Either (a) BIOL 112 and one of CHEM 123, CHEM 130; or (b) SCIE 001 or (c) 8 transfer credits of first-year BIOL and 6 credits of first-year CHEM or (d) one of BIOL 112 or BIOL 121 and a corequisite of one of CHEM 203 or CHEM 223.
BIOL 201 (3) Introduction to Biochemistry (Sections: 201, 202)
Biological molecules, protein structure and enzyme action, energy transfer, central metabolic pathways and their regulation. Examples drawn from plants, animals and microorganisms.
Prerequisite: BIOL 200 and one of CHEM 233, CHEM 260; or BIOL 200 and a corequisite of CHEM 213; or a corequisite of either CHEM 313 or CHEM 330.
BIOL 234 (3) Fundamentals of Genetics (Sections: 101, 102, 201, 202)
Genotype and phenotype, mechanisms of inheritance, genetic analysis.
Prerequisite: Either (a) all of BIOL 112, BIOL 121 or (b) SCIE 001; or (c) a corequisite of one of CHEM 203 or CHEM 223 and one of BIOL 112 or BIOL 121.
BIOL 371 (3) Principles of Neurobiology I (Sections: 101, 201)
Introduction to the structure and function of the nervous system, excitable membranes, and synaptic signaling using representative vertebrate and invertebrate species.
Prerequisite: BIOL 200 and one of BIOL 260, NSCI 200, PSYC 270, PSYC 271, PSYC 304, CAPS 301.
BIOL 372 (3) Principles of Neurobiology II (Sections: 101, 201)
Examination of the neural systems underlying sensation, action, and complex behaviours using representative vertebrate and invertebrate species.
Prerequisite: BIOL 371.
BIOL 451 (3) Comparative Neurobiology (Sections: 201)
Advanced investigations of the evolution of animal nervous systems, integrating studies of diverse species to understand fundamental neurobiology.
Prerequisite: One of BIOL 371, BIOL 372, CAPS 301, PSYC 304, PSYC 367, PSYC 370.
BIOL 458 (3) Developmental Neurobiology (Sections: 101, 201)
Cellular, molecular and physiological aspects of nervous system development with applications to understanding adult nervous system function and neurological disorders.
BIOL 459 (3) Neurobiology of Sensory and Motor Systems (Sections: 201)
Analysis of the mechanisms of sensory processing and motor orchestration using vertebrate and invertebrate model systems. Neural circuit structure, specialization, information coding, integration, and behaviour.
Prerequisite: One of BIOL 372, CAPS 301, PSYC 304, PSYC 367, PSYC 370.
BIOL 460 (3) Neurobiology of Vision (Sections: 101)
Advanced investigation of animal vision; critical analysis of recent literature and research project development in visual neurobiology.
Prerequisite: One of BIOL 372, CAPS 301, PSYC 304, PSYC 367, PSYC 370.
CHEM 110 (3) Structure, Bonding and Equilibrium in Chemistry (Sections:)
Fundamentals of bonding theories, structural chemistry and equilibrium with applications relevant to modern society.
Prerequisite: Not open to students with credit for Chemistry 12. A satisfactory score on the UBC Chemistry Basic Skills Test.
CHEM 111 (4) Structure, Bonding, and Equilibrium in Chemistry (Sections: 112)
Fundamentals of bonding theories, structural chemistry and equilibrium with applications relevant to modern society.
Prerequisite: Not open to students with credit for CHEM 12. A satisfactory score on the UBC Chemistry Basic Skills Test.
CHEM 120 (3) Structure and Bonding in Chemistry (Sections:)
Fundamentals of bonding theories, structural chemistry, with applications relevant to modern society.
Prerequisite: One of CHEM 12, CHEM 100.
CHEM 121 (4) Structure and Bonding in Chemistry (Sections: 101, 102, 103, 110, 111, 122, 133, 199)
Fundamentals of bonding theories and structural chemistry, with applications relevant to modern society.
Prerequisite: One of CHEM 12, CHEM 100.
CHEM 123 (4) Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Organic Chemistry (Sections: 201, 202, 203, 210, 211, 222, 266, 299)
Fundamentals of chemical reactivity: thermodynamics; kinetics; organic chemistry, including stereochemistry; applications relevant to modern society.
Prerequisite: One of CHEM 111, CHEM 121, CHEM 141.
CHEM 130 (3) Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Organic Chemistry (Sections:)
Fundamentals of chemical reactivity: thermodynamics; kinetics; organic chemistry, including stereochemistry; applications relevant to modern society.
Prerequisite: One of CHEM 110, CHEM 111, CHEM 120, CHEM 121, CHEM 141.
CHEM 141 (4) Chemical Bonding, Molecular Structure and Properties for Lab Sciences (Sections: 101)
Bonding theories, their predictions, experimental tests, and consequences regarding chemical structure and observable properties. Applications relevant to modern society are emphasized. For students interested in lab-focused sciences such as Chemistry, Physics, Biochemistry, Microbiology and related disciplines. Restricted to students in the Faculty of Science.
Prerequisite: One of CHEM 12, CHEM 100.
CHEM 233 (3) Organic Chemistry for the Biological Sciences (Sections: 103, 110, 122, 210, 133, 199)
Reactions and properties of carbonyl compounds, carbohydrates, amino acids, nucleic acids.
Prerequisite: One of CHEM 123, CHEM 130, SCIE 001.
BIOC 202 (3) Introductory Medicinal Biochemistry (Sections: 001, 002, 003)
Introduction to proteins and enzymes, carbohydrate metabolism, and glucose homeostasis. The course emphasis is on human biochemistry and it is designed for students going into health science fields. Credit will be granted for only one of BIOC 202, BIOC 203 or BIOL 201.
Prerequisite: One of CHEM 203, CHEM 223, CHEM 233.
MATH 100 (3) Differential Calculus with Applications (Sections: See Workday Student for all sections)
Derivatives of elementary functions. Applications and modelling: graphing, optimization.
Prerequisite: A score of 80% or higher in BC Pre-calculus 12. High school calculus is strongly recommended.
MATH 120 (4) Honours Differential Calculus (Sections: 101, 102)
Limits, derivatives, Mean Value Theorem and applications, elementary functions, optimization, Taylor series, approximation.
Prerequisite: High-school calculus and one of (a) a score of 95% or higher in BC Principles of Mathematics 12 or Pre-calculus 12; or (b) permission from the Mathematics Department Head.
MATH 180 (4) Differential Calculus with Applications (Sections: See Workday Student for all sections)
Topics as for Math 100; intended for students with no previous knowledge of Calculus.
Prerequisite: A grade of 80% or higher in BC Principles of Mathematics 12 or Pre-calculus 12.
PHYS 106 (3) Enriched Physics 1 (Sections: 101)
Classical mechanics including conservation laws, angular momentum of rigid bodies and simple harmonic motion, wave phenomena, with an introduction to special relativity, quantum mechanics, nuclear physics, statistical mechanics and solid state physics.
Prerequisite: A score of more than 85% in all of PHYS 12, MATH 12 or (b) a score more than 85% in all of PHYS 12, PREC 12 or (c) a score more than 85% in all of PHYS 12, CALC 12 or (d) a score more than 85% in PHYS 100.
Corequisite: One of MATH 100, MATH 102, MATH 104, MATH 120, MATH 180, MATH 184.
PHYS 117 (3) Dynamics and Waves (Sections: 101, 102)
Kinematics including curvilinear motion. Forces and Newton's laws of motion. Work-energy theorem, conservation of energy. Conservation of momentum, collisions. Torque, rotational dynamics, angular momentum. Oscillations and waves.
Prerequisite: One of PHYS 12, PHYS 100.
Corequisite: One of MATH 100, MATH 102, MATH 104, MATH 110, MATH 120, MATH 180, MATH 184.
PHYS 131 (3) Energy and Waves (Sections: 101, 103, 201, 202, 203)
Fluids, harmonic oscillator, travelling waves, standing waves, sound, and interference of light waves, including diffraction.
Prerequisite: One of PHYS 12, PHYS 100.
Corequisite: One of MATH 100, MATH 102, MATH 104, MATH 110, MATH 120, MATH 180, MATH 184.
PSYC 277 (4) Behavioural and Neuroscientific Research Methods (Sections: 001)
Research methods used in the neurosciences. Credit will be granted for only one of PSYC 217 or PSYC 277.
Prerequisite: Second-year standing in a Behavioural Neuroscience or Neuroscience specialization.
PSYC 278 (4) Analysis of Behavioural and Neuroscientific Data (Sections: 001)
Statistical methods for use in the neurosciences. Credit will be granted for only one of PSYC 218 or PSYC 278.
Prerequisite: One of PSYC 217, PSYC 277.
PSYC 361 (3) Neuroscience of Motivation (Sections: 001)
Experimental analysis of hunger, thirst, exploratory and curiosity behaviour, maternal and reproductive behaviour, fixed action patterns, and complex processes involved in social motivation with emphasis on the biological basis of motivation.
Prerequisite: One of NSCI 201, PSYC 260, PSYC 270, PSYC 304, PSYC 360, PSYC 370.
PSYC 363 (3) Neuroscience of Simple Learning (Sections: 001, 002)
Introduction to basic theories of non-associative learning, classical and operant conditioning. Experimental findings from behavioural and biological analyses with animals and humans.
Prerequisite: One of BIOL 260, BIOL 361, BIOL 455, BIOL 458, CAPS 301, NSCI 201, PSYC 260, PSYC 263, PSYC 270, PSYC 304.
PSYC 365 (3) Cognitive Neuroscience (Sections: 002)
Current research into human brain systems underlying cognitive processes such as perception, attention, memory, and decision-making.
Prerequisite: One of NSCI 201, PSYC 260, PSYC 270, COGS 200.
PSYC 367 (3) Sensory Systems (Sections: 001)
Anatomy and physiology of the sensory pathways and their relation to perception.
Prerequisite: Either (a) PSYC 100 or (b) all of PSYC 101, PSYC 102 or (c) 6 credits of 200-level Psychology (but not 205 or 263).
PSYC 368 (3) Perceptual Processing (Sections: 001)
Perceptual phenomena and their underlying brain mechanisms.
Prerequisite: PSYC 367.
PSYC 370 (3) Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience I (Sections: 001)
Advanced methods and topics in behavioural and cognitive neuroscience.
Prerequisite: One of NSCI 201, PSYC 260, PSYC 270 and one of PSYC 217, PSYC 277 and one of PSYC 218, PSYC 278.
PSYC 371 (3) Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience II (Sections: 002)
Neurodevelopment and neuroplasticity, the physiological bases of several motivated behaviours (sleep, sexual behaviour, hunger and eating, drugs and addiction), cognition, the stress response, and brain dysfunction and recovery.
Prerequisite: PSYC 370.
PSYC 409 (3) Cognitive Neuropsychology (Sections: 002)
The structure of the mind as revealed by brain injury, neurological illness, and surgical intervention. Topics include attention, memory, language, sense of self, topographic awareness, moral reasoning, emotion, theory of mind, and social awareness.
Prerequisite: Either (a) one of PSYC 217, PSYC 277 and one of PSYC 218, PSYC 278; or (b) PSYC 366 and one of PSYC 309, PSYC 365.
PSYC 460 (3) Behavioural Neuroendocrinology (Sections: 002)
ADetailed examination of the interaction between hormones and neural control of reproductive and non-reproductive behaviours; emphasis on gonadal and adrenal hormone effects on learning and memory in the brain.
Prerequisite: One of PSYC 304, PSYC 360, PSYC 371.
PSYC 461 (3) Neuroplasticity and Behaviour (Sections:)
Experimental findings and theory documenting the plasticity of the brain and its relationship to behaviour: emphasis on gene regulation, neurogenesis and cell morphology changes in relation to learning and experience.
Prerequisite: One of PSYC 304, PSYC 360, PSYC 371, PSYC 460.
PSYC 462 (3) Drugs and Behavioural Neuroscience (Sections: 002)
Introduction to neurochemical systems and functional neuroanatomy; animal models of human cognitive processes and mental disorders; neurochemical foundations and treatments for mental disorders.
Prerequisite: One of PSYC 304, PSYC 360, PSYC 371. BIOL 205 and/or PCTH 325 recommended.
PSYC 472 (3) Advanced Neuroscience of Motivation (Sections: 002)
Neurobiological pathways mediating five core aspects of motivated behaviour: (1) affective decision making; (2) motivated drive; (3) goal-directed vs. habit-based behaviour; (4) learning from negative reinforcers; and (5) disorders of motivation.
Prerequisite: PSYC 361.
CAPS 421 (3) Cell Biology and Human Disease (Sections: 001)
Outlines major discoveries and current advancements that are revolutionizing our understanding of subcellular structures and function in health and disease, such as cancer.
Prerequisite: Either (a) all of CAPS 306, CAPS 310 or (b) one of CAPS 301, NSCI 300.
CAPS 426 (3) Nervous System Function in Human Health and Disease (Sections: 001)
An integrated study of the theory and experimental findings of neuronal synaptic plasticity, including underlying molecular mechanisms and their role in cellular systems, cognitive biology and disease.
Prerequisite: One of CAPS 305, CAPS 301, NSCI 300.
CPSC 103 (3) Introduction to Systematic Program Design (Sections: 101, 102, 201, 202)
Computation as a tool for systematic problem solving in non-computer-science disciplines. Introductory programming skills. Not for credit for students who have credit for, or exemption from, or are concurrently taking CPSC 110 or APSC 160. No programming experience expected.
Prerequisite: None.
CPSC 110 (4) Computation, Programs, and Programming (Sections: 101, 102, 103, 201, 202, 202)
Fundamental program and computation structures. Introductory programming skills. Computation as a tool for information processing, simulation and modelling, and interacting with the world.
Prerequisite: None.
Credit Exclusion
Please note that some courses are credit excluded, meaning there is sufficient content overlap and credit can only be granted for one course. View the credit exclusion list for some of the key courses in Neuroscience Program below.
There may be other credit excluded courses within MATH, CHEM, and CPSC that are not listed below. Students should still check the UBC science credit exclusion before course registration.
For example, with the chart below, if a student takes NSCI 201, they will not be permitted to take PSYC 270, 271 or 272.
NSCI Courses
• NSCI 200, BIOL 260
• NSCI 201, PSYC 270
• NSCI 201, PSYC 271
• NSCI 201, PSYC 272
• NSCI 302, PSYC 301
BIOL Courses
• BIOL 201, BIOC 202, BIOC 203
• BIOL 371/372, PSYC 370
• BIOL 371/372, PSYC 371
• BIOL 372, PSYC 367
• BIOL 371/372, BIOL 455
• PSYC 217, 273, 277, 366
• PSYC 218, 275, 278, 366
• STAT 200, BIOL 300, PSYC 218, PSYC 278